Hi guys! It’s been a while since i’ve posted something here. I’ve been busy updating the game and decided not to show you yet the next release of the game.
Anyone who’s following me on twitter might already know how’s the game doin’.
Anyway here are the updates made in the game:
New character!
New enemies!
New bosses!
New level!
New cards!
Controller support implementation
Improved boss death animation
Added shadows on wall to add more depth
Bandits and Scorpions now shoot a little longer
Lowered bandits HP
Scrolling texts are now faster
Normal bandits now shoots towards your direction
Reduced reload time of Annie
Annie’s projectile now pierce through enemies but lesser damage
Snakes now shoot projectile (Not available on the demo)
Added arrow trail (Not available on the demo)
Audio fixes
Fixed the bug when picking Patched Heart
Improved game UI
Visual improvements
You now no longer need to shoot chest to open them
Added “Open” sign to chests to make it more alive
These are the updates i’ve made to the game and i’m sorry if I’m not always posting here. I’m still figuring out how this new feature of gamejolt works. Anyway, thumbs up! to all the people behind GameJolt! Good job right here. I can see the improvements :D
Sneak peeks everyone!

Cart guy!

Zero - the curious boy

I’M DONE >:(