We're working on new chapters of LOGOS, now for mobiles!
You would be able to play them even from your browser, without downloading anything!
We have gone one step further thinking about the availability of our game on our users' devices; so the next chapters of LOGOS will be designed to give the game a retro touch while maintaining the style and game mechanics that were defined in the original game.
In LOGOS: Abraham you will see the atrocities of the city of Sodom as you form an army to rescue Lot by living the sacrifice and struggle that Abraham had to experience in his time.
Check out all the future projects of LOGOS here!
How would you have liked a Biblical Video Game to be in the past?
What music would you have used on a Nintendo game? How would you design a video game box for Atari?
Join our Discord server and contribute the next versions of our chapters available in browsers and ROM files for emulators.