Last weekend, 9-10 December, was the Game Gathering Conference in Kyiv, where we not only attended but had our own stand. By the way, it was our the first stand and the first public presentation of Twin Soul. As we were out of laptops (because the game is for two players), we had to bring the whole computer and accompanying. There is how it looked like before the opening of the conference:

And after the opening there was too crowdy near our stand. Sorry for bad quality of photos.

In general, we are really sutisfied with the trip, we got a lot of advises in organisational and gamedev spheres, got new contacts, and the most important – received feedback from players that indicate the main narrative mistakes. Also thanks to the organizers of the conference; we were helped to find replacement to the burnt cable for the laptop.

To our surprise, responses about our prototype, in the whole, were positive. But there were people who wanted to see the final view of the game with a plot, suspense, elaborate mechanics etc.
Neverless, the description of theirs expectations are completely on a par with a plan of a demo-version of a game that is in a produce now.
Certainly, 2018 will be difficult and will require us a lot of afford and time for making demo-version of a game. Please be reminded, that the project is developing just with enthusiasm and the slowest part now is developing characters and theirs animation, so we’re looking for the people who can help as with:
An animation-ready topology;
We aren’t looking for top-specialists. And everyone in our team is studying for something new every time. So, if you decide to join us, you will work with these handsome guys:

Many a little makes a mickle. You can help us with your a little - just support our patreon Or you can just vote our project in the best indie-game-of-a-year nomination.
We receive innumerable quantity of messages with offering of composing music, we don’t have enough time to respond for everyone and we already have composer. If we need a composer, we’ll inform you in our news. Thanks a lot for offerings.
Special gratitude for everyone who read to the end! Feel free to post your questions in comments.