-- Hello, everyone! This is Pae, director of "PaegoTeam" and therefore "UnderTale Blue: Legacy". As you may remember, more than 20 days ago, I uploaded a post to the English page of "UTB:L" saying that the game was on hiatus, and I was going to resume it when I regained the enthusiasm I had lost. And well... I got it back! However, now there are other drawbacks. Our team has very good members who could carry out the project, but there are some who are not present at the moment, so they will not be able to participate in the project by the time the hiatus ends: Some of them are inactive for personal reasons (we wish them the best), and others because... I don't know.
-- This is a big little problem, because it leaves us with few members to work with, and we cannot leave the entire task to the few that we have left. And that's when I decided to make a decision that could solve this! Or make a fool of myself, for... the fifth time...
_ What is that idea, Pae?
-- OH SHIT A TALKING BOX! *Kicks him.*
-- The idea is a form!
-_- [Cricket_Sounds.Mp3] -_-
-- W-wait! Where are you guys going!? *Turns his head around towards you* Oh, well, looks like someone stayed after all!
-- I know that the form thing until now was just a failure, A PATHETIC AND HORRENDOUS FAILURE, but this time I'm not just going to give you the link to our form hoping that you'll join or something like that, no, no no. This time, let's change things a little. Now, you will be the one who spreads the form.
__ Who? I?
-- No, I'm talking to the man who lives on the moon... Of course you! Look, this is pretty simple: I'm going to give you the link to the form, and you're going to share it (not spam it) on your social networks, with a talented friend, or something like that. It doesn't cost you more than a few clicks.
-- Look at it this way: I get new team members, and you get A SUPER MEGA GREAT GAME THAT WILL REVOLUTE THE FANDOM FOREVER, possibly, of course. A few minutes or seconds of your life in exchange for hours of fun and excitement, don't tell me you're not tempted.
--So, what do you say?
-_ -. [ https://forms.gle/H3DxsHTZA5d3ix4G8] .- _-
(Btw, we have a Reddit account now!: https://www.reddit.com/user/PaegoTeam/)