2 years ago

WEB ODYSSEY January 2023 devlog - The trailer and 2023

My main focus in the past 30 days was undoubtedly the trailer. My initial deadline was originally dec 31 but had to be pushed to jan 7, and then I waited until the 14th to actually post it publicly.

Most of the new things you see in the trailer we're made litterally just for trailer as I was making it. For two weeks I went all out and even reached "crunch time" level of work on a few days.

It is so packed with "blink and you miss it" details, I think its worth watching it again and pausing frequently to see everything you might have missed.

If you were paying attention (which I'm sure you were) You might have notice a big new change!

That's right, redesigned face portraits for the characters!


(James' redesign hasn't been finalised yet, please ignore him he is ugly)

One of the most crucial part of any rpg maker game is to stray away from the default rpg maker artstyle, and those new faces are a big step in that direction!

Also, it was christmas last month! I got a high quality microphone, I'd like to try making video devlogs one day, so this should come in handy. And I want to try recording sound effects myself too. I also got a second monitor, and it is so useful, I can watch stuff at the same time as I'm working, or have the console open while the game is in fullscreen, or see discord while I'm playing a game, very happy with it.

After finishing the trailer, I took about a week of break from working on the game to rest up a bit before college started again.

In my little vacation, I mostly did only two things:
I watched "Better Call Saul" and I played "Persona 5 Royal". And I mean like, a lot of Persona 5, I'm talking like 60 hours in the span of 2 weeks. I knew I was probably going to enjoy it but god damn is it so good and fun and addicting.

Playing Persona 5 gave me a lot of ideas for skills and perks which I've already added to the game

My main focus in 2022 was mostly the battle system, now that it is finally almost kinda complete, I can finally work on the actual overworld of the game. So hopefully, this year in 2023 my focus will be on making the overworld maps. And unlike "Shitty RPG" I won't be using any default rpg maker tilesets or sample maps, so I need to draw every single asset myself, which makes the map making process even more painful.

That is all for this month, thank you for reading to the end!

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Next up

Reddit mod boss sprite for upcoming game

crossover episode

Based boss fight

(this has nothing to do with christmas)

This game is finally starting to look like something

Le bronze James

coming out one day

Web Odyssey meme p.1

Wholesome keannu 100

Please I just want to know if big chungus will get me in jail this is a very serious question and I need answers