4 days ago



What the... HEEELLL. Quick context, today i went outside again, it was time to vote, i really don't wanted but i was forced to do it. Anyway, i walk again to the street, and also i wanted to find that woman i saw yesterday at the club, but unfortunately i didn't find her. Then i decided to sit on a bench. Aaaah, what a nice day, the wind is perfect, the noises of the birds, nothing bad is happening. Then, i saw the woman, finally, an oportunity to have a conversation with her, i'm going to approach her, but when was i going to do that, i get hit on the head. Everything turns black, then, i'm starting to hear some voices, and someone says "WAKE UP" ahg, i woke up in a room, with a bunch of, teenagers with t-shirts of someone that i'm not gonna say her name, but it starts with T. It turns out that i got kidnapped by these teenagers, they starting to make fun on me, while they are, recording me.... until someone bursts through the door, and kill the bunch of teenagers. Heh, they deserve it. Then, the unknow person helps me, and it turns out, is she, the woman i found yesterday. She was laughing, and i'm starting to laugh too, then she says "you look ridiculous". I was confused, she send me to a part of the room, there's a mirror, and when i look in the mirror... AAAHHHHHG!!! OH MY GOD I'M A DAMN G1MP!!!!

Those bastards took my clothes and they dress me with a g1mp suit, great -_-

The good thing is she bring me my clothes, after that, i thanked her for save me, she is a nice person, then i ask to her if she wanna come with me to a restaurant and eat something, she don't know what to say, but she said that she will going to tell me when she have motivation. Then, i'm going back home. Yeap, that was the most weird day of my life here in paradise, but at least, i have the chance to speak with that woman, also she told me that her name is fansy. Anyway, after i return home, i did nothing, only making a sandwich and eat it.



Next up



Tuesday pt2

Ya era hora XD menos mal el servicio militar entrena alemanes y no judios XDDDDDDDDDDD

I'm going to paradise, i've heard it's a nice town

Tuesday pt1

Cute woman

