If it was is a mod adding in a ton of customization to fnafb2 alongside new addtional content via skills,gameply mode and modifires to the base game!
There is SO much here in terms of customization
nuzlocke mode,shopless runs,even new additional floors and content with one flick of a switch
and that's scratching the sourface as you can customize EVERYTHING

do you want to play fm2? this is literally the best way to do as the customization choices are so big it's honestly.

in addition everyone has new skills being either really bizzare,funny or having a intresting concept like withered bonnies math quizz

depending on many math questions you get right,you get a damage boost % wise! it's a really bizzare but also intresting concept,IFW being filled to the brim by those

wether it is the cracked ass passives or funny modifers you can add in like rare events or new additional gameplay features.

But wait,there's even fucking more!
there is a side game mode called the fuck off tower
this is a endless tower mode pitting you against random enemies every floor

you can have up to 8 members but only 4 will fight so you'll have to swap them out!

whoever you fight can be literally fucking anyone,it could be a god damn metal hat or shadow bonnie for all you know

what also helps is that the enemies will sometimes get additional gimicks helping the battles stay fresh as you try to get a high score!
the cherry on top of all of this is that it's afterstory compatible so yeah,best way to play afterstory too.
see you next week folks!