Won’t waste your time with flowery bullshit. Lets get right to it:
-Story written
-Main 4 party characters fleshed out: Donald Trump, Uncle /pol/, Vladmir Putin, Ann Coulter
-Main 4 party character assets finished
-Trump stats, equips and skills finished
-First 9 enemy assets finished
-First 9 enemy stats finished
-Consumable items finished
-Tentative soundtrack added
Short term (1-2 days) Objectives:
-Post media to GameJolt Page
-Finish stats and equips for remaining 3 primary party members
-Add assets and stats for first boss
-Design and implement first level
-Plan and implement side quests for first level
Medium term (1 week) Objectives:
-Add second and third boss assets and stats
-Design and implement second and third levels
-Implement stats and asets for remaining ~20 enemies
-Plan and implement side quests for second and third levels
-Release playable demo