Yeah, yeah, maps he says. Well the map system isn’t done yet, so I’ll talk about it some other time. Until then, here’s something exciting! HARDMODE will give you a new way to play Skelemania upon completion.
“Oh boy, more spikes, more enemies, less checkpoints, seen it.” - Everyone. Well, hold on. This hardmode doesn’t make the game harder in that way. It actually provides an entirely new (and debatebly more interesting) way to play the game, and I think anyone that finishes the game will want to try it. What is it you ask? Well I will explain first how I thought of it.
I like Skelemania, and platformers like it, because I get to do what I love the most. Never stop moving and never stop jumping. Even better! The game actually rewards you for constantly jumping, with the triple jump, and it allows you to go even faster and farther with the dive. Then I realized how powerful this movement really is, and wondered if I could do everything in the game with just that…
So in hardmode, you start the game with your dive, backflip, bowl, and triple jump powers, but lose the ability to manuelly move with the arrow keys. Meaning you have to dive or bowl EVERYWHERE. Yes this is possible. The arrow keys still work to change directions, which means you can still backflip, but you can’t move with them. It’s interesting how this mode completely changes how you look at rooms, and how some easy rooms become nightmares.