For the record:
Channel Order & Its Functions:
General: Everyone can talk there, cuz whats a community without a general chat.
Memes: Public meme chat to send memes.
RafaPlayer44: Chat where I send the latest RafaPlayer44 upload. I may not announce one if I want the minimum people to see it or I think it goes against ToS.
Rafa Ramblings / Rant: I just enter deranged ramblings about whatever I have on my mind, like... He... Hello Neighbo..r...
CustomerON Shitpost: Only I get to send memes there cuz what the Cudtok the Second account needs is power inequality.
Video's Rafa Likey: Videos I have seen and really liked. Mostly documentaries on one or another topic, I will always try to bring my own little commentary about what I believe of it or whatever, so it's not as bland of a post.
The Real Rafa: (Yeah I copied the name from Will Wood) Chat where I just send personal shit that could maybe be categorized as a vent but not really.
I may update the channel list, add or remove some channels, but this is how it is for right now!
(I just made this to categorize my posts so they're not as fucking hard to travel through, you don't need to join the community - matter of fact, I suggest you DON'T lmao)