Hello, Randy fans!
How does the new project look? It might not be a big surprise to most of you (pesky leakers...), but I sincerely hope you all are happy with the announcement of this! From this point onwards, development for Treasure Island will be completely open. This means we won't be pulling any punches this Devlog, so be warned of spoilers from this point onwards.
This game has been in the early works before Chuck E's release, so we have a lot to review with you guys. We've avoided revealing this game because it hasn't been ready to be made until recently, so I feel like now is the time to open up to you all. Before we begin, let me clear the air on some questions a lot of you are probably already asking:
Is FNaTI 3 going to happen? What was the point of NBelow Disney? And so on…
FNaTI 3 technically already exists in the form of Addendum: Discovery Island, but we have no interest whatsoever in making a new playable entry to the FNaTI franchise. What I wrote on the fake bluescreen in Oblitus Casa was genuine, I want to see what you all can do. There is truly nothing left in our story at this point that warrants another full-fledged game. We already have better, more interesting ideas than to make a continuation of a story with a proper conclusion.
There wasn’t much of a point behind Nightmare Below Disney other than because it was just really funny, we’re sorry (not really it was indeed really funny). Maybe some ideas will be reused, but for the most part, we were just messing around. We thought the “FNaTI 3 bluescreen” being left in Oblitus Casa 2.0 after the fact that “NBD” was announced would tip you guys off, but it doesn’t seem like anyone caught on. Surprisingly, despite our statement in the bluescreen, we still get a lot of people pitching us ideas for a third game or annoyingly begging us to make another game. It’s flattering you guys want to see more but there is no real reason to go through with the idea.
I feel incredibly guilty for leading you all on like this, but I also felt to a certain degree this would help bring attention to this new project and cement the point we have been trying to make for a while now. I feel it’s time to move into something far more important, which is this, and future things that will come after this.
What is this game?
To put it simply, FNaTI 6.0 but good.
What was wrong with FNaTI 2020?
In short: Everything Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Seriously though, I think it’s easy to notice looking back at the game that it hasn't aged well at all, which is mostly due to us not really knowing what the hell we were doing when making the game. I sincerely regret taking on a big-name fangame like this as our first big release, as before then we had only handled smaller projects and crappy FNaTI 2.0 revivals.
The 2020 game’s graphics, gameplay, and story execution are, for lack of a better term, cringe to look back at. The character models already sucked by that year's standards (and were horribly unoptimized and awful to work with to boot, one of our team members' PC would bluescreen if they worked with too many of them at once), the rooms varied in visual quality, and the gameplay was too easy, rushed, repetitive and just straight-up boring. Let’s also not forget how the story is never really explained whatsoever either. Also, Hourglass. Just the entire thing.
I know many of you may still enjoy the game and have fond opinions of it, however, we are 100% confident we can make something better out of it. I ask you all to give us a chance to make FNaTI live up to the hype it has garnered over the years, going as far as to create a big enough community to be its own thing. The game and its community deserve better.
I thought you said no more fangames?
(in evil randy voice) Aha! I masterfully tricked and manipulated you fools again! Now I must begin the mastermind gaslighting process.
We’re using a loophole. Technically this isn’t a new game for us, we’re just making one of our old projects cooler. Gotcha! After this project though, we will no longer work on any FNaF fangames. The FNaF format has become incredibly dry to us, especially because a good portion of us have completely checked out from the community and I don’t even really like the mainline FNaF games anymore. We’re already in the beginning stages of work for a big original title that you guys should see next year or somewhere after that, so keep an out for it!
What should we expect from this?
(in joe swanson voice) I’m so glad you asked! It's time to show off our new #swag.
New Models
In late 2021, the team started this project by simply redoing the cast models from the 2020 game. We call them the “Generation 2” models, Gen 2 for short. You’ve already seen the good majority of them, but I’ll include promotional renders for characters we haven’t properly revealed that get requested a lot.
The goal of every model is to take the ideas presented in the 2020 version of the game, make them good, and combine them all with the previous designs from the extremely early versions of FNaTI. We’re doing these in an attempt to make the “ultimate” FNaTI models. So far, you all seem to really like them, so maybe we’re doing something right
New Gameplay
Besides the models, we have been working very hard to make sure how the game plays is perfected and fully realizes the idea of how FNaTI should work.
One of the main issues we had with 6.0 is the gameplay. The game is paced very weirdly, is far too easy, and suffers the same issues that countless other FNaTI games suffer. We’ve looked deep into what went wrong and we believe we’ve come up with the perfect counter to it all.
Yes, the game will be harder. Yes, it will be far more engaging than the 2020 version. And yes, we’re completely changing the night 6 mechanics. We never really wanted to touch on the mechanics of already well-known characters for 6.0 to keep the spirit (maybe even charm?) of the original versions of FNaTI, but the problem with that is the fact that the original versions of FNaTI are simply… flawed. They represent the time in which they were made, for better or worse. Seriously, go to 6.0’s custom night and look at the character tutorials, they all practically read the same.
While we want to keep certain things under wraps for now, playing this game will be a breath of fresh air. I already know some of you are seeing the project and are rolling your eyes at the fact that FNaTI is being remade again, but we can assure you this time it will be absolutely worth it.
What now?
While production for this has already fully begun, we need to work on finishing our remake of Five Nights to Remember before heading into this. Five Nights to Remember has been on the backburner for way too long, and the graphics besides some minor animations have been fully finished for weeks now. The team needs to code it all together, which shouldn’t take very long. Regardless of the workload, Treasure Island already has enough finished so that we can safely leave it hanging for a while and come back to it.
To wrap things up, here’s one last teaser. Don’t expect this to be done soon, but trust us when we say that this project will be more than worth however long it’ll take to get it done. This is a whole different beast than FNaTI and is (in our totally unbiased opinion) going to be Really Fricking Swag.
…you’re still here? If you’re still upset that we’re not making an NBD remake - don’t be. It’s been done like, a hundred times over already. How about something new?