4 days ago

Welcome to Animatronica (Art series)

Here we are, a dump of all my FNaF World art series, for those who are too lazy to look all over my profile. It was an adventure, and i'd like to thank all the people and friends who supported the making of this. Also, the watermarks are gone, becuz I don't like putting watermarks in my art, and since this is mostly just a showcase of everything I made, didin't wanted them here, I replaced them with the titles, so u know what they are supossed to be. Which reminds me... which one is your favorite? Awnser in the comments bellow, and maybe give me your reassons too, I don't mind if u yapp alot, infact, I motivate you to yapp! Also, if you want a textless version of any of these, ask me in person and I may give it to you.



Next up


Six Historic Nights at Freddy's: Night 1 (1993)

The final layer.

This was probably one of the more requested and wished for features I've seen from the demo but now there's an Undo and Redo option in the game!

The Tiles and Objects have their own individual undo and redo lists.

Hey everyone, I need to know something, since I finished my FNaF World art series, I am kinda dry on ideas, do ya'll got ideas for some new art series I can make? Please, I need ideas (Needs to be FNaF related, please)

Gangster Chica

Fun fact

Halloween Backstage.

A New-Fangled Devlog! (Finally...)

6 Very Big Historic Nights at Freddy's.