3 months ago

Welcome to Holhus Community

The Holhus community is dedicated to receiving your critiques, ideas, and theories about my fangame, which is currently in the process of creation. I will also be sharing small updates about the game.



Next up

Aprendiendo a animar 2d


Yo tengo el libro de recetas de minecraft pero me gustaria de que la poción de XP fuera real #GJAsks


Video hecho por mi de escenas sin contexto de 31 minutos


Créditos: Estudios Aplaplac


Video made by me of scenes without context of 31 minutes


Credits: Aplaplac Studios

no quiero ofender a nadie

Créditos a mageneker (youtube)

(me estoy quedando sin contenido)


Beta fragments of gameplay from my fangame in development.


Fragmentos de gameplay beta de mi fangame en desarrollo.

...... (A character from my upcoming series,un personaje de mi próxima serie)

1) The model for my most recent fangame (Snah)

2) The model for an old fangame that I didn't finish (abandoned project)