1 year ago

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Next up

are there any other noteable differences in the TRTF 2 2016 Major update? aside from the desk, menu & how Frankburt works of course. idk no one really talks about it, I get it since it isnt too different but also its like the only major update we have.

She has chicken pox.

@Andsy look its Piglet

I was originally only going to show this off when I announced it but due to extreme support & positive feedback I have received privately I will go ahead & give you a little tease of what im cooking.

It will get a proper announcement soon.

Lads, we're finally getting another peak trtf 4 remake


@ChezRabbit Here's a Brownie redesign, which was originally just supposed to be fan art of the original design but ended up turning into a whole redesign. It was pretty fun to put together.

For anyone curious, this is my favorite fnaf fangame of all time. It was a little hard to get into it at first but once I got a hang of the mechanics I couldn't help but fall in love with this game.


"As I approached the robot, I heard the sounds of many souls crying and screaming, overlapping eachother..."

and he was a wizard.
