Five Nights at Freddy's: PLUSHIES 5 V4
5 years ago

Welcome to the (FNAF PLUSHIES 5 V4) Gamejolt Page.

If you followed this page,then,welcome.

Anyways,welcome to the FNAF PLUSHIES 5 V4 Gamejolt Page. I know that all of you have been waiting for this game for 2 Years and at last,it's finally in development fully. Please note that this game will be my last "Everyone moving once" Game. I know,but,don't get mad at me for saying that,especially to all the fans of my FNAF Fan-Games,'cause i was making those type of games for 4-5 Years,except for Fun With The Freddy Plushie: SISTER LOCATION. So,after this game is finished,i can go on to make games where everyone moves more than once.

So,anyway,as usual,here are the rules for this page:

  • Don't be a bully.

  • !!! MOST IMPORTANT !!! DON'T,and i repeat..DON'T ask for mobile ports,because if you ask for a mobile port,your comment will be deleted.

  • !!! MOST IMPORTANT !!! Be respectful in the comments,if one of you say something mean or insulting,i'll remove said comments. So,be nice to one another.

  • If some comments are good/a little good constructive criticism,i will allow it since this time,i will respect your opinions on this game.

That’s all there is for now. Come back to this Gamejolt page,IF you followed, just incase if i post an update about this game,okay? Good,so,that’s all there is,have a nice day,bye! ;)

P.S I update rarely sometimes.



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