1 year ago

Well guys here they are. It's an MSM and also an art of a masterpiece!!

The entire roster of the MSM (My Singing Monsters) Family of Jax Justun Studios!! All of them listed through One through Seven!!


Series One:

  1. Parker Heiste - Galvana from MSM: Dawn of Fire

  2. Maylssa Heiste (Maylsa The Dragonfly) - Galvana from MSM: Dawn of Fire

  3. Future the Wubbox

  4. Past the Rare Wubbox

  5. PRESENT the Epic Wubbox - From MSM Plant Island

  6. Hisstory the Epic Wubbox - From MSM Cold Island

  7. Holidayz the Epic Wubbox - From MSM Air Island

Series Two:

  1. Cassidy Heiste - Ffidyll from the Cloverspell Seasonal Update

  2. Azhaerra Heiste - Floogull

  3. Devine M. Heiste - Strombonin the Cold Island Mythical

  4. L.O.E. (Life On Earth) the Epic Wubbox - From MSM Water Island

  5. WollyHood the Epic Wubbox - From MSM Earth Island

Series Three:

  1. Jazminne H. Heiste - Incisaur

  2. Brody C. Heiste - Candelavra

  3. Jazzy Heiste (AKA: Jazminne’s Younger Brother) - Incisaur

Series Four:

  1. Daimian Jebbby Brixcksttion - Clavavera from the Beat Hereafter Seasonal Update

  2. DRjackson Brixcksttion - Edamimi

  3. Oolivia Heiste - Bisonorus (Purple)

  4. Dilla Heiste - Bisonorus (Orange)

  5. Emily K. L. Heiste - Krillby

  6. Thrumble Brixcksttion - Thrumble (MALE)

  7. Teggan Ene Heiste - Cranchee the Cold Island Dreamythical

  8. Chawnchee Heiste (AKA: Teggan Ene Heiste’s Big Crazy Brother) - Cranchee the Cold Island Dreamythical

  9. Davidd Heiste - Rare Edamimi

Series Five:

  1. Jeniffer Heiste - Clamble

  2. Magic N. “Nefftea” or “Nagic” Heiste - Rare Clamble

  3. Norah Kayllen Heiste - Epic Clamble

  4. Nanntonio Heiste (AKA: Jeniffer Heiste’s Older Brother) - Clamble (Cramble)

  5. Kayella Heiste - Epic Potbelly

Series Six:

  1. Princess A. Heiste - Humbug

  2. Cowboi Hexx Heiste - Rare Humbug

  3. Joshua Heiste - Epic Humbug

  4. Gemma H. Heiste - Hyehehe the Earth Island Mythical

  5. Shylah Heiste - Wheezel the Earth Island Dreamythical

Series Seven:

  1. La Blessings Heiste - Galvana from MSM: Dawn of Fire

  2. (Must Start to have a 1st Name to find on 09/14/2023) Heiste - Anglow the Water Island Mythical

  3. (Must Start to have a 1st Name to find on 09/15/2023) Heiste - Pinghound the Water Island Dreamythical

  4. DJ Baguladigree Perzonalotiee the Clubbox - AKA: The SummerSong Costume/Skin for the Wubbox

  5. Clubby the Clubbox - AKA: The Fan-made Clubbox designed and made by a MSM Youtuber named “GHOSTYMPA”


Also, not only that the Wubboxes are here from this list!! Link to the Scratch.com creation that I'd made here

--->>> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/878393825/

There's also something saying that the Anglow and Pinghound must need a first name to go with their same old last name. I was going to name these two, but unfortunately, I was out of ideas.

So, on a poll, from a separate post from ME (@NanGameJolt23 ), I'll be making/putting names for the Water Island Mythical Anglow and you guys are the ones who judge on what first name will be PERFECT for our beloved Anglow from Water Island who was created from MSM fan and Monster Handler named "Chris Wimberly".

Anyways, that's all for now, make sure to stay tuned for updates okay? Anyways, have a nice day!! #HappyMonstering!!!! #LgendsNeverGiveUp!!!

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