Engraved Destiny/Puppet Dance - Undertale AU
2 years ago

Well, here it is.
It's more of a future project, but I'm looking forward to this!
The name is explained if you read the game page.

Some roles are yet unknown in this swap, but I think I know what's with Asriel.
I think Asriel will be Asriel.
Shows an interesting parralel as Chara who's taken sans's role can talk with him in his plant form, only one side knows they are siblings.

They could be good friends and not manipulated like Papyrus was, but as real friends as I bet Chara understands their own brother and talked with him through his resets.



Next up

I think this Asgore is one of the simplest and the best things I made to this day.

Toriel taking Undyne's Role

[The reason I made this is purely because I didn't like the sprite of 'Toriel The Intolerant' to be honest]

Posting this in case people didn't get it from the last post! No I wasn't just gonna make another singular sprite, there is gonna be more from this!

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

Yet another Undyne Toriel

You have all rights to dislike this and express it but don't try to put me down with it because im trying my best, thanks



By the way am I the only one who thinks All Might looks kinda cooler in his small form?

Like, just the way he is drawn, I like it way more than this muscly big guy.

I think it's mostly the eyes.

Plus this is one of my favourite scenes tbh.

Hatsune Miku?

I wouldn't say this is a masterpiece but I had fun making it and it's been a while since I posted a sprite I made so here it is.


Haha...let's do a wheel spin.