2 months ago

Well, here it is, my New Years (eve) speech. This year has been an interesting one, and a pretty big turning point. I've made a lot enemies, and very little friends. It feels like nothing in my life is going right, and I'm falling down a spiral.

I feel like everything that has happened this year is my fault. I feel like life just hates me and wants to prevent me from ever being known, or remembered.

At least, I thought that at first. but now, I realize that everyone I thought I liked

So, my New Years resolution is just, being better.

First, self improvement.

Second, my career.

Third, my social life and relationships.

Fourth, something that will require lots of work, and will take a lot of time. But will be very, very worth it in the end.

So that's it. Yep. The very late Christmas special will come out later. So stay tuned I guess. not that anyone really cares about me right now do they?
I'm also thinking of being more active on YT. So, subscribe for game dev logs, trailers, and just, whatever! (I guess).

Welp, time for me to get back to work! This is a very big turning point in my life. See you all later.



Next up

So this is what Manor Of Dread looks like currently... Oof, gonna need BIG improvements. I also better get to work on making a game page.

So I've been thinking about Project: Bashy, and I thought, "What if I give everyone bonus content as well?". So that's exactly what I'm going to do. In the form of a series of games called, "The Bonus Birthday Pack"!

Let's do this...

Windows Cat (Day #2 of Shitposting) [STREAK LOST]

this is it for murder drones...

I have come to make an announcement! The August 2024 Roadmap is real!

Authoring DVDs while coding 2 games (I know I only talked about 1 but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it) Is quite the experience... I've already gone through 2 prototypes, hope I don't run out of discs!

Hey look it's a #bat

(I'm smart I know)

Nothing much except... I THINK I CAN MAKE A TEXT ADVENTURE IN C NOW YIPPEEEEEEEEEE (Have some art to go with this fabulous news)