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Mika kit but i draw her.
It turned out better then i aspected.
Her neck and head are a bit off but i can't fix that.
I consider her my daughter,don't judge me.
Mickey Mouse from onwmm sitting on micki from onamh for a piggyback ride.
Random thing i did.
I have the balls to upload this.
This is a joke btw.
Not to be taken to seriously.
(If are not starting to like what i post on my account then just leave until I’m normal again).
Nightmare suicide mouse
Mostly unofficial v1 refference model.
Le current pinned post.
I need to this fast.
Yippers and weepers!
A render that i made for Ink blot corruptus
Accurate n-oswald model
Might be used for NbD:my take
If ya guys wanna see the lost/canceled characters from this page.
Go to my new game,the throw-back trilogy.
Where they're be as enemies and get there legacy back.
The 404 infection is spredding!!
Is now come to gamejolt.
(I can't think of nothing else the second i see the 404)
I'm way to obssesed with ps99.
(Not my account)