4 years ago

Well, I've come to make an announcement. I'm not sure if I have too much on my hands at the moment. Like, I have currently three fan stories, (FNAF: The Hidden Souls Vol. 2, Danganronpa: Bloody Rampage, my Fazbear Frights story, etc). Read the article.

School's going to be starting for me tomorrow, so I probably won't be as active as before. I mean, it's virtual, but still. I also have tryouts for a musical tomorrow as well, so wish me luck, if you could.

Anyways, the point I'm trying to make here is that I'm not sure if I have too much on my plate at the moment. I've already completed the first volume of FNAF: The Hidden Souls, but ever since then, I've been working on other projects. Right around the time I finished writing the first volume of The Hidden Souls, I got into the Danganronpa series. I was REALLY interested in it at the time, mainly because I think it had the perfect amount of violence and enjoyable characters for me.

It was at that point that I decided to work on writing a second volume to The Hidden Souls, but I also tried doing an outline for a possible Danganronpa storyline. Eventually, sometime back in Late August, I tried coming up with Ultimates and their talents, and what the context surrounding them would be. I've already got a good part of the story out, or at least, up until the first class trial.

After that, I worked on both Vol. 2 of Hidden Souls and Bloody Rampage simultaneously, while still maintaining my schoolwork. Then I wanted to form my very own Fazbear Frights story spinoff, so I decided to choose an antagonist that wasn't all too used among the FNAF fandom. I wanted Twisted Wolf because I felt like he wouldn't feel out of place in a story like that.

And that, my friends, is why I feel like I have too much on my plate. It's getting somewhat harder to keep up with all three stories at the same time. I have plans to continue all of them.



Next up

If you don't understand the joke, it's that the English voice actor for Zenitsu from Demon Slayer (Aleks Le) is also the voice actor for Nightmarionne's voice lines in UCN.

And yet both characters have completely different personalities.

One of my human kings, Abylep, one of the oldest people in my world currently.

Merry Early Christmas List


It came from Reddit.

You'll only get this if you know Claude from GTA 3.

Rat Race Production Update

Gregory vs Springtrap

Yeah, I know it's a different model, but still.

Meme Template was borrowed, and I got bored and wanted to do something with it, so here you go

Here's a preview for a Danganronpa crossover fic I've been thinking about writing.

Danganronpa Ultimate Crossover Chaos

(Read article for more)

I think I have the wrong Rockstar Freddy, guys.