(CANNED!!) Sonic.EXE The Black Bloody
4 years ago

Well these actor I need:


Sonic:Para el actor de Sonic en español necesito que haga esta linea:

Hola, Soy Sonic. Sonic el erizo!

Knuckles. Para el actor de Knuckles tienes que hacer la misma voz que knuckles en los juegos de Sanic y esta es la linea:
Soy Knuckles el echidna

Eggman. Para el actor de Egg es como los juegos de Sonic pero como en los juegos. se tiene que parecer como el del ingles. Bueno, esta es la linea:
Odio a ese erizo

Metal Sonic. La voz se tiene que parecer como el de los juegos de Sonic. tiene que sonar como un robot la voz. Esta es la linea:

Tengo que derrotar a este erizooo

Aki ta el server (de nuevo):


Tails. for the actor with tails it has to look like the one in games. Well this is the line:

Hi, I'm miles tails prowers

Knuckles. For this voice test the knuckle voice is like the one in the Sonic games. Well, this is the line:

I have to take care of the master emerald

Eggman.Eggman's voice has to be like ... Well, you know ¬ ¬. Here is the line:

I hate that hedgehog

Metal Sonic. The voice has to sound like that from the Sonic games. the voice has to sound like a robot. This is the line:

I have to defeat this hedgehog

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Next up

Sometimes the games can dies and never worked and that leads to the game being forgotten and cancelled.

I'm not dead

This level is almost done guys!! :D ^^

New ScreenShots!! 😃😄😁😀

Because I was making the game I had to delay some things I had planned to do today...but well...the short demo remaster of S.ETTB is out!!! enjoy!!! :D ^^

pd:read the description

I'II use this level for Hill Zone guys!!

Tails VS Metal Sonic cutscene


I know the reason why the people puts this

well, hi again

How did you know to fly Sonic?