1 year ago

Well, we were scared from the first picture if I drew some art on the board. And these are theirs Tumblr;3 #myart #XP

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Ля какой МИЛАХА <3 #Cat #art #memes #Vasya ;3

Я единственная кто говорит по русски и любит этот фандом ??? #playtimeWithPercy #Pal #fanart :D

Christmas Update + More

My art and who knows where My art and who the hell are these photos from? well it doesn't matter in short <3 #Art #Furry #PlaytimeWithPercy #fnaf #fangames #AUTHOR #Pal #XP he - he <33

Did you know there's only ~9 days left to buy a plushie of your best PAL, Pal? (Or more accurately, the Pal Percy Plushie!)

If you didn't, well, there's still time to get one before it's too late!: https://www.makeship.com/products/pal-percy-plushie

Хе хе хе <3 хз что я сделала но как то так пупсик <3 💓💓#Flipa_Clip #X3 #Author #Animation #Gacha_nox нянянянянняняняняняняннянянянянянянянянянняняняняняняннянянянянянняняняняннянянянянянняняняняняннянянянянняняняняннянянянянягнягянянягянняня

Check out what I found in Pinterest. One piece of art with Percy is mine. I XP What to write. #PlaytimeWithPercy #Pal #Percy #Minnie_Percy #art #Printerest

It’s a Christmas miracle!

Pov: when I forgot to do my homework. Well, this is my Persian named Bizo #PlaytimeWithPercy #Pal #Bizo #Tamagotchi #Art