Five Nights At Isabell's Chapter 1

5 months ago

Welp, I'm making Devil Isabell-



Next up

Isabell wishes y'all a Merry Christmas! :)


Devil Isabell.

Alice McAdams (The protagonist of Five Nights At Isabell's Chapter 1) has been revealed.

Original human templates made by: -Samu2003- and Max4459 in Scratch

Original human templates project:

But Valentine's Day is over though-

The menu is being improved.

Say hello to the REVAMPED versions of the first four teasers of the game! Yep, I have decided to improve my old teasers for the game, so that they would look a lot more better, so... Say bye bye to the old teasers! :)

Vincent Jacobson, the main antagonist of Animal Entertainment series has been revealed.

Just letting y'all know... 11/3 mode with The Duo on IS possible. ;)

If you just pick the right thing from Blowy that offers you help and have a perfect strategy, then you got it.