[As the 3 left the duo at the Treedome watching and waiting for their only friend/neighbor to wake up.]
[Will their neighbor/friend wake up and say anything? or stay unconscious?]
And now… Starting chapter 4!
Patrick looked at Squidward with concern on his face.
Squidward returned Patrick’s gaze but instead of concerned like him…he looked way out of character.
Patrick then face SpongeBob still breathing.
Squidward: “He’ll be fine..” *He assure Patrick trying to keep himself calm*
Patrick: “I…hope so…” *He responded in a sad voice*
Squidward: “Oh lighten up will you? When’s the LAST time he’s been unconscious?” *He asked annoyingly*
Patrick: “I…dunno?” *He responded*
Squidward: “He’ve been out cold for almo— *Interrupted himself* ..Patrick..turn around…” *He demanded*
[As the sea star turned his best pal awoken but couldn’t see as his eyes were sewn shut]
Patrick: *began to tear up* “b-buddy?……” *He stuttered*
SpongeBob: “Pat..?” *He confusingly questioned*
Patrick: “SPONGEBOB!” *He happily exclaimed as he hugged his friend while in tears*
SpongeBob: *He laughed a bit and hugged Patrick in return* “I missed you too pal…say where’s Squidward?” *He asked in confusion*
Patrick: “He’s here…” *He responded*
[Meanwhile at the Chum Bucket]
Plankton: *He groans in frustration* “nothing EVER works…” *He angrily exclaimed to himself* “now where are th—“
[Before he could say anything else the entrance door was kicked open]
Mr. Krabs: “PLANKTON!” *He yelled*
Plankton: “Well hello to you too Eugene..” *He said in sarcasm*
Sandy: *She immediately swooped Plankton up like a ragdoll* “Talk…pipsqueak or I’ll force you to….” *She angrily demanded*
Plankton: “Alright Alright squirrel for brain…I was attempting to sabotage the frycook by making him just collapse on the floor but that backfired because I didn't injected the rest. And I was flung.. Happy now?” *He annoyingly explained and turned his back away*
Karen: “None of us are happy Sheldon…from your “plan” I successfully..fixed the sponge myself..” *She causally exclaimed*
Mr Krabs: *angrily steps outside*
Karen: *froze in place for a minute from a phone call and answers* “hello?..”
Squidward(on call): “He’s awake..”
Sandy: “He’s up? Thats great news!” *she happily exclaimed*
Mr Krabs: *overheard their conversation and rushed to them*
[Back at the Treedome]
SpongeBob: *carefully walking towards Patrick* “I-I du-dunno if I can do this Pat…” *He said worryingly*
Patrick: “Your doing great though…” *He said with confidence*
SpongeBob: “I-I…I am?…” *He asked*
Patrick: “Of course” *He answered*
SpongeBob: *As he reaches Patrick he tripped causing him to fall* “e-eep!” *He yelped*
Patrick: *Caught his friend just in time before he hit the ground*
SpongeBob: “T….Thanks buddy…” *He stuttered while thanking Patrick*
Patrick: “Anytime pal” *He responded*
SpongeBob: “I…feel lightheaded…I think I should rest a little longer….” *He said tiredly*
Squidward: *He exhaled and sets him on the bed*
SpongeBob: *He sighed really upset* “I really wish I could see you guys….”
Squidward: *doesn’t say anything and takes off the bandages that was covering the stitches on his eyes*
SpongeBob: “H-Hello?…A-Anyone?…” *Panicked he started to freak out who was there and who wasn’t*
Patrick: “SpongeBob?….SPONGEBOB!…” *He yelled his name but to no avail*
SpongeBob: *He groaned while sitting up* “What….happened?…Where am I?…..”
Patrick: *was crying and slowly hugged him* “Y-Y….You weren’t responding….”
SpongeBob: “I…— *he cut off whatever he was gonna say* ugh…jeez………I’m sorry Pat…”
Patrick: “D…D……Don’t do that a-a-again….I don’t wanna lose you buddy…” *He stuttered while crying*
SpongeBob: *He sighed* “I’ll…try not to….”
[Krabs Sandy and Karen enters the Treedome]
Sandy: “SpongeBob! Your okay!” *She tearfully exclaimed*
SpongeBob: *Sitting on the bed* “Sandy?…” *He questioned*
Sandy: “I brought Krabs and Karen along with me..” *She said*
SpongeBob: “O-Oh. Alright!” *He happily exclaimed*
Sandy: “Would you mind telling us what you remember?” *She questioned*
SpongeBob: “Well….I said bye to my pet Gary….went to work…but…… *He paused for a moment* something felt off…”
Sandy: “like what?…” *She asked*
SpongeBob: “I never felt tired during my shift…ever…I got ready on time..but I was too sleepy so I took a little nap…but something pitched my arm…I didn’t know what exactly..and discovered blood…? or ketchup..? I dunno….I head on home to find a note on my door…”
Sandy: “Go on…”
SpongeBob: “Um…I believe it said “dear reader if you found this you are in danger and your pet Gary..find him”…I frantically searched the whole house but upstairs…so I turned on the light to find him….. *interrupted himself mid-sentence* he…he….he was dead…………and the second note said “your too late” I cried……. *he started to cry blood* s-s…someone….or something…grabbed me and pulled me downstairs it…happened too fast……my head was spinning my stomach hurt cause I was stepped on……it was painful……….I couldn’t do anything…I just…accepted and passed out……..t-t-thats all I know…” *He started to cry even more*
Sandy: *She pat him on the head trying to calm him* “I’m….very sorry for your loss SpongeBob….”
Mr Krabs: *Utterly speechless*
Karen: *Has nothing to say*
Patrick: *Sobbing uncontrollably*
Squidward: *Never in his LIFE been this shocked* “But you never knew you were on a noose?…” *He questioned*
SpongeBob: “I would never do such a thing…ever!…” *He replied*
Sandy: “So it might be an…attempted homicide……”
Patrick: “A what?” *He stupidly questioned*
Sandy: *She sighed with annoyance* “Karen your with me…somebody else must be responsible for this…”
Karen: “Alright..”
[Both Karen and Sandy left to investigate who could’ve done it]
SpongeBob: *limping while Patrick was holding him to make sure he didn’t fall* “T-Thanks buddy….I dunno what I would’ve done without you….” *He laughed*
Patrick: “Hey friends stick together!” *He too laugh as well*
SpongeBob: “Hey Pat?….Can you……um…set me on the bed for me?… know I can’t see…..” *He requested*
Patrick: “Sure thing buddy!” *He happily answered while placing him on the bed*
SpongeBob: “H-Heh…thanks…!” *He said in a cheerful voice*
Patrick: “Your welcome buddy” *He replied*
SpongeBob: “……………”
Patrick: “?.. Buddy?….Can you hear me?”
SpongeBob: *Unresponsive and hyperventilates* “….”
Patrick: “S-SpongeBob?! SPONGEBOB!!…ANSWER ME!” *He cried*
Squidward: *Annoyed and attempted to make him calm down at a normal heart rate*
SpongeBob: “…………. *coughing* I don’t feel good……”
Squidward: “Just rest….you’ll be fine…” *He assure him calmly*
SpongeBob: “O…..Okay……” *He lays his head on the pillow and went to sleep*
[A sudden scream of strangulation as SpongeBob was being choked out]
Patrick: *Immediately went to call Sandy but the line is dead*
Squidward: *tried to confront the unknown figure himself but was flung at Sandy’s tree giving a major concussion*
Mr Krabs: *Determined he went to attack but it didn’t do anything and he too was harmed*
SpongeBob: *Has enough strength to speak* “LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!!” *He screamed forcing the figure to retreat*
Patrick: “I….Is it….gone?…..” *He asked fearfully*
SpongeBob: *Gasping for air* “Yes…it’s gone…” *He answered*
[Sandy and Karen returned due of the noise]
Sandy: “What the heck happened here?!” *She asked*
SpongeBob: “It…came…back…but I managed to make it leave…” *He answered*
Karen: “Well that's a relief…anyways I’m gonna do some test on you just to double check your still alright…” *She said as she approached him*
SpongeBob: “Okay…” *He replied*
[As Karen fixes up SpongeBob or check for any injuries Sandy went to Krabs and Squidward..]
[They both seem okay or are they? We may never know.]
TBC? On chapter 5??! O^O
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