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You Know Life's Going Well If Your Family Can't Afford Bread :3
I Won An Art Set At School Yesterday :33
New Painting :33
I Started Doing Watercolor + Acrylic Painting :3
I Won A Raffle At School And Got The 149 PC Art Set :33
Starting with what was supposed to be day four, this will be the start of my shark a day thingy
I'll be posting all my old drawings in order, but mayby I'll do one old drawing and then the one a day shark
Earrings I Made :333
Here's a shark I'm painting on my grandpa's wall! The lizard was with me the whole time
Shark of the day #1, a way to start
Currently not done ofc, but the rough sketch is! I'll put up hopefully a finished update tomorrow :3
Lol Throwback To Summer When I Dropped My Phone In The Street And Ran Back To Grab It Right As The Light Turned Green And I Had To Sprint To The Sidewalk