The first one method is based on you be able to look to the top and use a temperature pipe. What is a temperature pipe? There will be two pipes in the top of the office. One that make the office colder, and the other make the office hotter. But how it affects the animatronic? Well, some animatronics have a short circuit in diferrent temperatures. Idk how a new player can discover it.
The second one is based on you have two vents (like in FnaF 2) and when you put your mouse in one of these vents and click it, the guard will run til the vent. So.. I can be in the vents all the night? No! There will be diferent distractions for you don't be in the vents. Puppet maybe or a Oxygen bar that decrese every time you are in the vent or if the X animatronic come and you hide in the vent X, the X aniamtronic exits, BUT if X animatronic come again and if you enter the vent X, he will get you and kill you.