We (at least Carnige and Utam (and probably rest of what's left of our team)) have lost interest in the project. We have lives, and we didn't think it was worth putting effort into something we weren't as passionate about, didn't have time, or just didn't have the energy for. In some situations, we did stuff because we were bored.

We loved this project (Especially I, I had a lot of passion for this project back in the days), but most of us are at working age now. Some of us are planning to go to college (cough), have jobs, or are working on other projects; tldr, we're busy with life.

So with a lack of leadership and vision for the project it's been canned from our side.
Sorry to the one of you who actually stuck around this long, and we're sorry to disappoint you.
However, the project will be turned into a closed case, until someone wants to take it over and have the ability to continue it for themselves
If any of you are interested to pick this project for yourself, please contact us via our Discord accounts "kckarnige, .utam".
This from me, KC, and the rest of the former Starmind team
Have a hell of a day!