4 years ago

What if Four Was in Smash

Hello my dear Viewers my Name is TNTBoi543 and Welcome back to Episode 4 of What if they were in Smash. Now with Polysided's Game Battle For Smash Ultimate on the Horizon, I think it's a good time to talk about if My Main Man 4 from BFB Was in Smash Bros (Get it because it's Episode 4)

Now Four would be a Medium Weight Character like most other Characters in the Game. So Lets get onto his Moveset. Quick note Numbers in BFB Dont have Genders so because of this I will be referring to Four as a Male

A Attacks:

Ok so basically Four's Jab will be a Spammable Arm hit like Kirby, his Dash will be a backkick, and for his Smash attacks, His Tilt Smash would be throwing either Cake or Brake, This is inreference to Cake at Stake, BFDI's Elimination, or as 4 occasionaly calls it "BRAKE AT FLAKE". His Up smash can be throwing X (BFB's Co-Host) up as he screams in terror. Lastly his Down Smash can be a simple Aloe Vera Garden, Another reference to X In which he owns a little tiny Aloe Vera Garden.


Four would grab The Opponent with his Back Hand and his A Grab would be a simple headbutt. His Down throw will be throwing the Opponent down and...Jumping on them, His Up throw will be like other people just throwing em up and his usual Left/Right throw will be your regular throw.

Special Attacks:

Oh Boy this is where things are going to get intense as we are now moving into 4's Most Deadliest Moves.

For his Neurtral B It's his infamous Zappies, where he launches a White Wave of electricity, this does a lot of Damage and can be avoided easily most of the time. But Like Samus it can be charged to make it twice as bigger as it already was doubling the Damage it does.

Next his Up B Will be his 2nd Most Deadlious attack, The Cursed Totem. A Reference to BFB 25 Where the Contestants have to find a Blessed Totem as Opposed to a Cursed Totem. So basically 4 will throw it upwards and if it hits anyone their stats will be lowered down for a Few Seconds about 4 to 9 Seconds.

Finally this will, and I mean WILL BE 4's most deadliest and dangerous Attack in his Moveset. His ever iconic Screech. Now originally this would have been a Taunt but we'll get to that later. With 4's Screech he will summon a massive wave of screaming stunning every single Opponent on the Battlefield. Now you may think this is OP And lemme tell you, it is, With that all Opponents are stunned for 10 Seconds leaving them vulnerable, worse 4 can repeat this meaning there could be no way to stop him making this Move So OP Nerfs coudnt fix it.

The Final Smash:

Alright warning: This if added is SSBU's Most Deadliest and Most Powerful Final Smash. This is a Cinematic Final Smash where Four will begin by Zapping his opponents any who are hit will be transported to Eternal Algebra Class, And everyone in BFB Will be waiting for them, they will then proceed to beat the opponent/Opponents up all together with 4 Delivering the Final Blow by throwing all his Powers at them. Let me tell you all this Attack is extremely and massively Deadly and deals so much Damage it could potentially 1 Shot an Opponent.

Other Poop:

For other stuff lets begin with Skins

4 will have his ever iconic Blue attire, Then a Yellow Uniform for X, Green for 4's Arch Enemy and Highly Controversial in the Object Show Community 2, an Orange Attire to represent Firey BFDI Season 1's Winner, Red for The Big ol' Prankster Blocky, White to represent the Annoying Stick Figure David, Purple for Fork Repellent Extrordinare Lollipop and Finally Him with Spongy Stuck in him, Spongy is one of the Contestants in BFB Who in BFB 16, Got stuck in 4 when the Eliminated Contestants attempted to escape Eternal Algebra Class .

For his Entrance Animation 4 will appear out of Nowhere saying "IT'S TIME FOR CAKE AT STEAK".

For Taunts 4's 1st Taunt will be him saying "I Do this", his 2nd Taunt will be him shrugging while saying "Well...Im not the One who doesnt know their Value", and finally his 3rd Taunt will be him drinking Tea, like a Real Gentlemen. Plus I ran outta Ideas

Then for Victories, his 1st will have him begin to fade away, and then dissapear completely

his 2nd will have him Just Standing there

And his 3rd will be him devouring Yoyle Cake: Plus Here's a Palutena's Guidance if Nintendo one day decided to actually give the DLC Fighters Guidances

Pit: Lady Palutena, I dont think that...Thing is from our Universe

Palutena: Of course not Pit, that is Four The Host of BFB An Internet Object Show

Pit: Wait I've heard about that before...If he's here then where's X?

Viridi: Apparently he's Now Four's up Smash where he just screams

Pit: Yeesh, and I thought Hades was bad, that's just Horrible, Four really is that mean.



Four: Hmmm. Thought So

Palutena: Anyways Pit, Make sure you watch out for Four's Zappies, Like Samus he can Charge it and when Charged it deals Double Damage

Four: You better beware my Final Smash, it's Super Deadly I tell ya


And that does it for if Four was in Smash. If you have a Character to request Write it down below. I really want a Submitted Character as all of the Characters who I've done just popped up in my Head.



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