11 months ago

What if Roy (US Acres) met Geet (Bondee's Barnyard)?:

Only reason why I did this crossover of two of my special interest is because I stole Roy's personality and gave it to Geet.

Orson and Bondee looking at each other in the distance, annoyed by Geet's and Roy's bullshit:


Roy is hard for me to draw, please appreciate his design as my hand genuinely hurts 😀



Next up


Trying to do that type of smooth animation...not bad for a first WIP (Obviously not finished)

I hope everyone enjoyed Bondee's cameo in the Shrek 5 teaser!

Does anyone remember this old video's sketch? This video is like a year old.


Just a drawing of converses with some kind of shooting star behind (Just drew that because A- Converses are cool and I wanted to learn to draw them and B- I wanted to do an illustration with very bright colors)

"Finders Keepers!"

(Inspo is the 2nd image I drew like a while ago)

Happy Birthday @Otis_Le_PoOtis !! ✨️

Random sketch (I plan on finishing it one day… maybe… or maybe it will stay on the WIP pile for month…)

Remake from old art from a year ago because the old one looks like doodoo.