Real Name: Logun Gravestone Afton
Class Name: The Trickster
The Mask: Kagekao's Mask (Kagekao Means Shadow Face in Japanese If You Didn't know)
Alias: The Laughing Trickster, Suicide Mouse.EXE, Nightmare Laughing Jack, And Dark Mouse (And Most of All Neo).
Gender: Male
Voice Actor: Me
Age: 28
Country: Japanese and american
Primary Weapon: Scar-17
Secondary Weapon: Desert Eagle
Third Weapon: Winchester Model 1887 Shotgun and Double Barrel Shotgun (For Gravity)
Melee: William Afton's Murdering Knife
Yes or No for Transformations: Yes
Passive Ability: "Real Suffering Is Not Known"
For Copying Spy's Ability what Ability is it?: Shape Shifting
Health: 999
Friend as a Duo: Christian Brutal Sniper
Phases: 12 (Because of Shapeshifting Disguise and Suicide Mouse.EXE with Modes EXE and AVI)