I've got some plans for the next update that I want to share with you guys! Some features will be added to the demo and some won't and some will be limited.
Adding achievements is a fun way to play games and reach for a goal to get other than a high score. Here are some achievements I plan to add to the game. Note that not all achievements are final or will be 100% added to the game.
Negative Nancy - Get negative points in Point Mode
Triple Trio - Get over 333 points in Point Mode
IT'S OVER 900! - Get over 900 points in Point Mode
What a Combo - Get a smashing combo of over 100
Combo Breaker - Lose a smashing combo of over 300
Money Maker - Have over 100$ in your wallet in Endless Mode
Bought Out - Buy every item in the shop on Normal or Hard Mode (Buy infinite items once)
I also want to add some secret achievements that you'll have to discover on your own, you will still see the achievement name which will give you a hit as to how you unlock it. Note that not all achievements are final or will be 100% added to the game.
NO! My Pots! - Shh! Secret Achievement!
A Crazy Shop - Shh! Secret Achievement!
A Grim Combo - Shh! Secret Achievement!
Dead Plants - Shh! Secret Achievement!
Tic... Toc... - Shh! Secret Achievement!
Saving Your Game... Kinda...
I plan on adding a way to save the game so you don't lose your achievements or high score. But due to the limitations of Scratch/Turbo Warp, the way to save the game would be using a code the game will give you, kinda like what Cookie Clicker does.