It's been a bit, hasn't it? Now that I have time to breath until the next college semester, I got a few updates about what to expect next!
1. Another Demo
You might be thinking "Another Demo already?" Well, it'll be similar to what is already released. However, I have moved the project to the newest version of RPG Maker. This leads to the next point...
2. I have to rebuild the game.
...yeah. It did not import well at all. Good example is that the trees in the main camp? Those are now windows. This also will allow me to make changes to the camp and make it a bit more fitting for the area I have in mind! This will take a while...
3. How long will it be?
Well, that's what I got for now! Hopefully I'll swing by again with the next update sooner rather than later now that the fall semester of college is out of the way! See you all later!
- Flight