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I really don't have a favorite, but I like Bob Construction Bandit who helps you fixing the water wheels.
I tried playing the demo, but when I was trying to defeat an enemy, the game crashed on me. and there was no audio. I like the art style and the flow of the gameplay. I would like to give this game another try if the demo gets patched.
What's Your Favorite Quest in The Knightling's Demo? (post a screenshot)
My favorite part quest from the demo was help fix the water wheels and sliding down the long water bridge. #KnightlingQuest
Happy Retro Video Game Day!
Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.
It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.
I pretty much like everything in the game. Exploring the Outlands, Helping villagers, and Defeating enemies.
Who's Your Favorite Video Game Hero? #GJAsks
I have more than one favorite video game hero. If I had to choice one, it would be Link from The Legend of Zelda.
Happy Retro Video Game Day!!
One of my favorite retro games is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time on Super Nintendo. Fun memories playing this game. :) #RetroGameDay.
This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Super Smash Bros.! Accept the quest to get started.