4 days ago

What's The First Game You Ever Beat? #GJAsks

I'm not sure. It's been along time. I think my first game I ever beaten was Super Mario Bros. 3. on NES.

Most other games I've played games with my older sister and she'd be the one to beat them. Or we beat the game together. But SMB3 was legitimately the first game I remember beating for the first time on my own.

#firstgamebeaten #videogames #supermariobros3 #supermario #supermariobros #NES #retrogames

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For those who are curious which shrine this is it's the Serutabomac Shrine (The Way Up) located in Hyrule Castle. #zelda #totkshenanigans #totkshorts #zeldashorts #totkfunny

Quadruple Oof!

I had the misfortune of getting constantly bombarded with bombs repeatedly.


This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Mario!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

Luigi's Mansion

Who's Your Favorite Video Game Villain? #GJAsks

My favorite video game villain is either King Bowser, Dr. Eggman, or King K. Rool. They're all my favorites.

#bowser #dreggman #kingkrool #sega #nintendo #rare #videogamevillains #favoritevillains

TOTK Shenanigans - Drowning Upwards.

I was using the Ascend ability to get above ground, but ended up ascending in the wrong spot by complete accident and ended up drowning in the muddy swamp water.


This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Wario!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

What Retro Game Deserves A Remake? #GJAsks

Personally, I'm a bit iffy with how remakes treat retro games. A few turn out really good, while others miss the mark.

But if I were to guess, I'd pick Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link.