well, after a long while of learning more about what i can do in unreal engine and learning more on coding itself to know what kinds of commands can do what in engines like unreal and unity, i would like you all to decide what i should do.
here, i will explain the options:
Scrapped 1 Remake: it will probably be scrapped 1, having a similar map or completely different map, looking much better with more unique props and use of particles. updates to AI making them smarter and giving them better animations as well. it would also have and original texture change that would allow 4K resolution textures that i make used in the engine.
new FPS game: as i have been learning to make FPS shooter games that have the use of actual weapons, i may learn to make my own online FPS shooter game (probably a FFA (Free-For-All)or TDM(Team-Deathmatch)). this game could get random though as i never made one like this before, but it might expand my experience more
Game Similar To Scrapped: you know, the typical “Run around a big area with 0 weapons and avoiding these characters” game that scrapped is like? this would take that kind of game and change it to be more like a stealth game where you have no weapons at all (may change to have mele kills with hands if i do this) while trying to get to a certain area and complete specific goals
other: what do you think? if you got any other ideas that don’t fit these choices, comment down below and who knows, i may like it more and use it instead or use that idea in one of these choices
well, happy voting and i may check the results every day until the weekend where i see what wins. (a few days from now)