Most characters have been nerfed, but all of them were also buffed now that they can be in one camera at the same time, you still have to be good at not getting overwhelmed by all the stuff happening
3 characters have slight mechanic changes:
one of them to de-clone a character
another to make a character more simple
and the last one to make them a bit more interesting
Custom night challenges have all been changed:
they now have some modifiers to make the challenges a bit more interesting they also have more animatronics active or AI levels increased some even go past 20 ai
Nightmare night:
Nightmare Night has been redone from scratch
only one attack returning from the original(and even that is a bit different)
The game is now widescreen, no more stretched screen or black bars
Night 8 character:
The unlockable Night 8 character is a bit more unique than the others but does still use one of the already existing mechanics(no not the mask)
Endless mode:
See how long you can last in bfp your score can be shared publicly if you log in with gamejolt, found in the extras menu
Small QOL:
- customizable flashlight key (the default is now shift)
- customizable restart key for custom night
- some optimizations
Release date:
October 13th