Having the double-clawshot is fun to use. You feel like Spider-Man when using them. Kinda of, but not really.
#thelegendofzelda #zelda #ocarinaoftime #twilightprincess
Also... you can do this.

Having the double-clawshot is fun to use. You feel like Spider-Man when using them. Kinda of, but not really.
#thelegendofzelda #zelda #ocarinaoftime #twilightprincess
Also... you can do this.
Work in Progress!
Here's a sneak peek of something that I've been working on for quite awhile. It's about 97% or 98% done. I'm trying to finish it ASAP so that I can post it on my YouTube channel. Yes, it is Sonic related. #WIP #sonic #sonicvideo
Last week, my copy of The Legends CookBook+ has finally arrived!
It did get delayed, but after a year, it's finally here. Although, it was a bit pricey for the physical book. Overall, I'm very excited to get started!
New video!
I did a reaction to the Sonic 3 movie - Trailer 2 Reaction! I just had to record myself reacting to the trailer.
Go see my reaction on my YouTube channel!
Kirby’s Adventure for the NES is my latest pick, I’m so happy with it 😍
Happy 30th Birthday, Donkey Kong Country!!
I can't believe it's been 30 years! Man, how time flies! Here are my memories with DKC. (Read article below!) #DKC30
What's Your Favorite Video Game Movie? #GJAsks
I had to think about this for a bit and I think I've finally decided what it is. It's the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie.
Which Video Game Do You Wish Had An Animated Series? #GJAsks
Metroid. I'm surprised this hasn't gotten a TV show or movie yet. Because the story and lore is so interesting.
I would also like to see Star Fox be made into a TV series as well.
Y’all need a RAVE Zelda Remix? Highly suggest checking out this one by VGR
What's Your Favorite Retro Game? #GJAsks
I've already mentioned Sonic 2 and Sonic 3K previously, so I'll mention another favorite.
My other favorite Retro Game is Super Mario World. #SuperMario #supermarioworld #supermariobros #retrogames