3 months ago

What Video Game Prop Do You Wish Owned IRL? #GJAsks

I wish I could own the Golden Gauntlets from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time to be able to lift really heavy objects.

Or own the Double-Clawshot from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Having the double-clawshot is fun to use. You feel like Spider-Man when using them. Kinda of, but not really.

#thelegendofzelda #zelda #ocarinaoftime #twilightprincess

Also... you can do this.



Next up

I tried playing the demo, but when I was trying to defeat an enemy, the game crashed on me. and there was no audio. I like the art style and the flow of the gameplay. I would like to give this game another try if the demo gets patched.


Who's Your Favorite Video Game Hero? #GJAsks

I have more than one favorite video game hero. If I had to choice one, it would be Link from The Legend of Zelda.

Happy #MarioDay!

Celebrate everyone's favorite plumber by completing our quests.

What's The First Console You Owned? #GJAsks

My first console was the NES. Grew up playing this with my older sister.

For #RetroGameDay and #FanArtFriday I'd like to remind everyone Super Smash Bros Brawl is a retro game by definition. Gosh I feel old...

Doodles of some subspace enemies to get back into swing.

Here's my #FanArtFriday drawing.

This was made during the Zelda Splatfest a couple years ago. So, I decided to color it and fix a few minor mistakes on the drawing. It's very hard to draw when drawing on the Nintendo Switch.

Happy Retro Video Game Day!!

One of my favorite retro games is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time on Super Nintendo. Fun memories playing this game. :) #RetroGameDay.


What's Your Favorite Quest in The Knightling's Demo? (post a screenshot)

My favorite part quest from the demo was help fix the water wheels and sliding down the long water bridge. #KnightlingQuest