MiS-FiTS 2
3 years ago

whats the deal with misfits 2?

so like, whats the deal with the development of MF2? well, it originally started being worked on in january 2019, almost immediately after i finished the first game and i tried to go for a more serious tone but it was BORING and LAME!! (around this time was when murphy and florence were created) the original plot was that after the events of misfits 2, larice was gonna go climb a mountain. why? i dunno. she also had long messy hair and a guitar at that time, but that just sorta felt weird so i scrapped the entire thing.

around early 2020, i realized i kinda hated misfits 1, and wanted to just completely scrap everything and reimagine it from the ground up. there's some remnants of this somewhere im sure, but i ended up realizing that misfits 1 is perfect the way it is (i.e., Bad)

then around september 2020 i started to actually rework the story, change up the characters, and made murphy the main character. i made a few sprites, one tileset, and a few facesprites. this time was mostly spent brainstorming ideas for the story, and i nabbed some of my ideas from the misfits 1 "remake" and applied them to misfits 2. (specifically catalyst factory was inspired by my concept from where the hell clyde came from in misfits 1, since its never explained)

then i kinda didn't touch it until may 2021, and got a TON of work done over the course of a month. then i got really burnt out and took a break over the summer. around mid october this year, i finally picked up development again and i've been working on it non stop ever since.

the game is about halfway done, i have two areas completely done, and i'm almost done with the third. i dont wanna spoil anything major, but misfits 2 is gonna be like, WAY cooler and more advanced than misfits 1. granted, misfits 1 was literally just me learning how to even USE rpg maker 2k3, but... yknow. look forward to what ive got comin up! i'll try to post screenshots pretty regularly.



Next up

it is screenshot saturday, meaning that you are, in fact, going to recieve screenshots

here is a NEW MONSTER for my SPACE FUNERAL FANGAME, redshift! This is all the information you get though, haha!

just a few screenshots of my game, any suggestions for anything?

im using paintdotnet for my pics now instead of photoshop bc god damn adobe is a bitch and photoshop takes 4 years to boot up on my crusty computer! so paintdotnet it is

only a week late but better late then never i suppose! happy halloween :)

robots up ahead

new icon! this one is of florence :) drawn by the wonderful red-sprite-lightning over on tumblr!! shes a great artist, go peep her stuff!!

whos that funky worm, starin back at me

i have hit 1000 hours on rpg maker 2k3...

upgraded a lot of graphics in the factory, now instead of the walls being barren theres some red lights, pipes, and even some plants from outside growing in the cracks in the floor!