10 months ago

When I get home from work
but the job just kicked my ass

Update News Inside

Confession time-

I have a real hard time lately just getting into a proper mindset after work- to do...pretty much anything that requires brain power.

Honestly it's my own fault because I should be better at sorting this stuff out- some days when it's 85+ degrees out (that's about 30c for you metric nerds) just really kicks my ass.

By the time I get home I'm truly cooked and ready to unwind in every sense of the word.

However this has been a bit of an excuse as well.
I also needed some mental recuperation time, as pushing myself at work while simultaneously developing the GridSMP day in and day out was taking a mental toll on me.

Over the last couple of weeks I have been making some plans for new things moving forwards, in the few moments I get between episodes of Dr Stone- (fucking goated anime)

• 1stly - We'll be having some changes to the GridJolt Community! These changes are a bit ambitious- (I know that's my kryptonite usually) but the main reason is for organization before additions.

The community will be redesigned to better create an actual community vibe to bridge the gap better between The Grid and GameJolt. Plus this is a great chance to properly organize posts and create more areas for community to post to.

ALSO the Press Start+ podcast is not forgotten! The podcast will start out in a discussion format with myself and Jerry, and will slowly grow to add guest speakers to the discussions and opinion ranting!

• 2ndly - Some lovely edited videos by @Kiezz0 are releasing sometime next week! A disclaimer is needed tho cause the videos were finished by Kiezz over a year ago. I never posted them because I'm a dummy & like to juggle 50 flaming chainsaws at once with no limbs-

• 3rdly - The Art Show is returning this Saturday as well as a submission section inside the GridJolt community here on GameJolt, so that anyone here may submit art to the show as well! We'll start with picking one good submission per submitter, but feel free to post as many as you want once the community changes go live! (a post announcing it will happen sometime next week)

And if you haven't joined the Grid Discord yet- wth are you waiting for? An invitation? You can invite dez- what? Oh- This is an invitation. Thanks Jerry.
The Grid Discord

Ok- My rant about plans and excuses is done.

TLDR; You're a scrub for not reading that whole wall and now it smells like bitch in here

TLDR; 2 Cool shit is happening soon- Creator block is cooming unblocked




Next up

We're Not A Bunch Of Bitches Prey (Hardmode) - Episode 2 Rated R for Language/Excessive Dick Jokes

Coming soon to a community near you: Full HARDMODE Let's Play of Prey- Edited by the one and only @Kiezz0 !

It doesn’t mean defeat.

It means progress-

.... ... .

We're live with an Art Show right now! Come say hello while it's fresh!


A smol flower for a smol smile- 👌

It’s like it was yesterday…

Made this today during stream. New thumbnail for Prey Lets Play series Just wanted to share this- Think it turned out pretty good. You can do amazing things with G.I.M.P.