Purpleman's Funhouse - Archive

5 months ago

When the Fnaf Ruin DLC had came out in July 2023. The original creator had a brief interest in fnaf once more, and had planned on making Purple Man's Funhouse: Redrawn.
The game was eventually cancelled though after losing interest.



Next up

random purple man art

sprite of the unused Billy character from the original 2020 funhouse

(Purple Man's Funhouse redrawn) photo of the Purple Man standing over three springlock victims

A pal of mine still had Bonnie's playhouse (purple man's funhouse prequel) downloaded on their computer. I managed to get a screenshot of the title screen. I'm hoping getting the game off of them and possibly uploading it.

In 2022, Purpleman's funhouse: Bloodbath was in the works. The game ended up getting cancelled however.

Gron the jester ( TRTF RADSLA )

Smiling Green Jester

Elizabeth Afton's drawings that were going to be featured in the cancelled purpleman's funhouse bloodbath game

Art of the flesh animatronics. They were most likely not for any games and they were just made for fun.

Elizabeth Afton's Clock (BLOODBATH teaser)