A banging at the door stopped my family breakfast. I get up from my seat I assumed it was the mail man. As I open the door I regret it instantly. Standing before me was a tall green lizard with a crooked smile. "Hello my long necked friend!" He said with joy. "Do you mind if we come in?" Confused I said "We?" He pushed past me as four men with gun's enter my suburban home. I put my hands in the air scared for my life and the life's of my family. As we moved into the dining room my family was shocked and scared. "Hello family. Don't worry I'm only here to talk to your daddy." He looks at me smiling. His gold tooth almost blinding me. "Looks like my help really did work!" My wife scared to all hell said "What is he talking about Hank? What did you do?" The lizard walked towards my wife. "Hello mam my name is Alistair. You don't know me but I know you" In my anger I shouted "Leave my wife alone ass hole" Alistair kicked me in the gut. My kids began to cry. "She wouldn't be your wife without my help would she?" My wife held onto our kids hands tight as she said "What?" Alistair began to laugh. "Remember that rino who you were dating? Do you remember how he was mugged and killed?" My eyes widen with anger "leave her alone!" I was hit with the end of a gun by one of Alistair's men. "Well that mugger was me. And by me I mean your husband. He payed me to kill your boyfriend so he could swoop in and be your hero." A face of horror stuck to my wife. "It's not true!" I said Alistair turns to me a smile plastered on his face. "Well true or not true you owe me. And I'm here for payment." I look up at Alistair as blood drips from my face. "What do you want?" Alistair's men handcuff me. "Well I have a dear friend in the hospital. And it turns out your just perfect to help him!" His pink teeth once again form a smile as he gags me. "So are you an organ doner?"
7 months ago
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Artist post your first vs newest drawing of your OC
Thanks I hate it
By the way, I made a completely original furry character, her name is Glacy
This character (Glacy) has nothing to do with Manic's Adventures and much less with Sonic, that's why I tried not to use the Sonic style that I use
Feel it through you
loving you was lethal guess that makes me evil
Facts about the Slippery Dagger
A slave left to die
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