14 hours ago

When ya have problems to leavin' the old program for the new one.... Yep! That's me!

WHAT A THING! Why I'm sooo afraid of usin' a program like Photoshop.... I've never understood that... Maybe it's the number of tools in it.



Next up

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GY!!! *Soul and Julie shout*

Then our old lady here turns 300!! How is this fossil still going strong like this!

I'm sure this cowgirl was riding dinos long before my dad!

Who is already an old man like her.

Another sucessful quest!


Howdy Pals!

I'm here makin' a new drawing for ya and with a lore of my universe!

Lemme explain a lil' 'bout what happened to me this week

Drew Varesa from Genshin Impact to find a new style.


I'm already cookin' up some ideas for the stickers and soon they'll be ready to use in March!!

[Some sneak peaks as a taste !! ]

See ya! Partners!

Been long since I posted (4 days bro it’s not that deep Tabii) because I’ve barely had motivation to draw. @BOXZEE ’s beautiful characters, Keith and Ethan

Take this NEW PACK fresh out of the oven!!!


Workin' on the second pack of my Oc's! This time there won't be a vote 'cause WE HAD A DRAW!

So I'll bring ya a very sweet and kind girl from this universe!

It's almost like a fairy tale

She Angy

Julie's Pack is NOW AVAILABLE!

Get 'em all before the month is OUT!