2 months ago

Where do you guys watch your shows if you dont have the network that its only on? I wanna watch Stranger things again but i dont have netflix and the only website i found has to much ads and its annoying

And i already checked youtube,they dont really have it,only small clips 😀



Next up

uneven number but its worth it

Project as wut? Ur just giving us options but no other details. This is how people fail,omg.

good nap

*Shares everything that happens in our class*

Half the way there!!!!!!

Person: Whats ur religion?

Me: Religionklok

Person: Wut

Me: =>

ok,so ignore it then -_-

Idrc that i was kicked out of the gc but i'd like an answer on why i was =|

its not hard to answer

Also,ima nap and hope,like other times,that i wake up and not feel tired still