This is an article in two parts
Where I've Been
I kind of disappeared from the larger internet like a year ago
The reasons are overly personal but the short version is I didn't want to keep making stuff
Discord has been basically my only internet use and even that's been primarily private stuff with friends
Stuff I did in that time:
Turned into a girl
Dropped out of time-consuming real-life responsibilities (high school band was created by Big Ensemble to steal your money and give you permanent auricle damage)
Lost my fixiation on typing like a game show host
Got older
Started playing a real instrument that is not FL studio or a cowbell
That said, I've decided I want to keep making things online, in the hope I actually finish something for me to feel proud of and for people to enjoy
This time, there's no agenda or hope to "change the Undertale/gaming community," I just want to make something fun
Speaking of which
New Stuff
I've had this idea for an Undertale animation floating around in my head for a while, and for most of my absence I've been quietly working on it
I will present information about it in a Q&A format
Q: What's it called?

Q: Does that make you an Underfell fan?
A: Yes, it's my all-time top Undertale fan-work, and while I won't use the word "tribute," this animation is going to take a lot more from the source material than most fanworks (either fundamental rewrites or usages of the designs without knowing anything about the AU)
Read the blog, by the way
It's cool
Q: What's the premise?
A: This is a bit of a "soft take" on the idea of Misbelief (Underfell Disbelief)
Papyrus is our protagonist and the camera follows him through the story
Sans is killed and Snowdin is ravaged by a human hell-bent on the end of monsterkind, shoving Papyrus onto a hero's quest to become powerful enough to battle them
He'll have to learn a lot of new tricks and discover the nature of the universe to stand a chance, but he's a being of pure HOPE
It can't be that hard can it
Q: Will you ever make this a game?
A: This animation is heavily story-based
There will be ((hopefully) really cool) fights and such, but the script contains generally too much talking to make it a good game
That and the fact that I don't know how to balance games (the player in the animation will be as good or bad at dodging as they would be in-universe under their circumstances, getting tripped up by surprises while having mastered attacks they've already seen)
Maybe individual fights will be made if demand is very very high, but short answer: probably not
Q: Do I need to know anything going in?
A: Not really
Just play Undertale and get ready to read a lot of text
Q: You are aware Frisk in Underfell is too weak to fight, right?
A: Who's that

Q: AU or AT?
A: I do not know
A: When it's done
The music, art, and actual animation are all progressing at about the same rate
The story is 99.9% set in stone and I've been working on the script for a bit though
This shouldn't be a horrendously long-term project, there's only maybe an hour of content tops
Q: Anything out yet?
Take some music. Simple stuff.
- - - - -
And, the big one.
There's other important stuff done, but, y'know, something about magicians and secrets
That's all
This is my coming-back post - I'll talk more here over the coming months, both about this video and things in general
Thanks for reading and stay frosty