No angst guys !!! You get the sillies !! :D


It was a sunny day, Atsushi had to go to a store to buy medicine because Junichiro was having a cold back at the Agency. The least Atsushi could do was try and get him something that can ware off the sickness. While he walked to a bus stop, he saw Lucy sitting there, also waiting for the bus.

"What are you doing here?!" Lucy's eyes widened as she saw Atsushi, and she immediately crossed her arms. Atsushi sighed. "I'm here to get to the store in a faster way-.." He said awkwardly. Atsushi didn't wanna seem like a creep. Lucy side-eyed him as he sat down next to her. "So uhm.. How's your day been-?" Atsushi asked kindly, having a slight nervous smile placed on his face. "It's been fine." Lucy replied to him in a somewhat unpolite way. For the past few minutes, it gotten very awkward because of the silence between them. Atsushi was staring down at the ground, overthinking.

` ` Is she still mad at me after that one time I tricked her-..? ` ` Atsushi curled up into a ball. Feeling very paranoid in a way.

Meanwhile with Lucy's thoughts, she was overthinking as well. ` ` Why does he need to go to the store anyway? It's too awkward with him being here right next to me.. I'm just waiting for my uber. ` ` Lucy looked anywhere else that wasn't apart of Atsushi.

Eventually, Lucy's uber came. She felt so relived. She was about to get up but then she spoke before thinking. "Bye, love you." Lucy said casually. Atsushi took a moment to realize what Lucy had just told him. And his face slightly reddened. "What..??" Lucy had just realized what she had said to him as well. Her face reddened more.

"You didn't hear that-!" Lucy almost stuttered. She then quickly rushed inside of her uber. And it drove off. Leaving Atsushi dumbfounded and flustered.

` ` + ♡ ~ • ~ ♡ + ` `

I can't write romance guys I'm not originally a wattpad user😞🙏🏼



Next up

okay so yeah.. I may have kinda.. forgot dazai's birthday...??? Unfinished art man😭😭

#BungoStrayDogs #Bsd #OsamuDazai #Dazai #BirthdayBoy #Party #AtsushiNakajima #Atsushi #Sillyzai #Furry #Art #UnfinishedArt #Unfinished

just combine these all together and that's me🔥🔥

#BungoStrayDogs #Bsd #Watamote #ProjectSekai #Vocaloid #ClassOf09 #LaceyGames #FNaF #me #fr

I was bored so i did a new edit–


#BungoStrayDogs #Bsd #AtsushiNakajima #Atsushi #Furry #Tiger #silly

my humor is so broken I've been laughing at this for the past hour

#Watamote #oh #erm #uh #woopsie #unhingedpost #shitpost

sometimes I forget I can draw. it's not very good, but it's something I like.

so to me, it's good. you can disagree if you wanna, what can I really say if you do?