3 years ago

Whew, I haven't been on GameJolt in a while (again). In case anyone actually cares given that I only have 17 followers here's a little follow up on where I've been. Enjoy this meme above while I explain :D

As most of the people who know me I've left scratch...for good. I loved using it for two years but I felt like it was time for me to move on to bigger and better things. That turned out to be a very, very, good decision. These days Im on Discord talking with my friends or I'm making fun discord bots that people can add to their servers. (If you want to friend me Endocrymee#0232 is my discord tag). Also yes, I have changed my username on multiple websites from KrazyKernel to Endocrymee since KrazyKernel was cringe imo and I made it when I was 12. I also have a YouTube channel where I make basic discord and programming content. As for game dev, I used engines like love2D, Godot, and im still trying to see which one is right for me. Though I still havent finished to make a full game I definitely plan to change that I just have to find the right engine I think I will like to use, godot is one of my options. As for my gamejolt, itch io, and newground accounts Im going to start being more active on them because I had and still have a lot of fun posting on here. Hope that was enough details for you guys even though not a lot of people will care, just a little update lol. later



Next up

The Risk Room is out on scratch! Please try it out and let me know what I can improve! Might post it here on gamejolt soon not sure. Game Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/644369471/

Some more progress on a dodging game I'm working on! I think I'm getting there but there's still no music in the game yet :/. Also, Join my new discord server I just made to learn more about me and the progress on my game! https://discord.gg/4rJNZsew

I should really stop making different posts and just update the ones I currently have lol. But anyways, I just redesigned the "hide" box and gave a redder theme to the ground :D

I think I might have pink eye. It hurts.

Progress on my upcoming game: The Risk Room! A puzzle-like platformer!

TLO: TEOD Q&A! (Ended)

Ok, here is the official thumbnail for my upcoming game: The Risk Room! A puzzle-like platformer! Follow me on Scrach for more updates - https://scratch.mit.edu/users/KrazyKernel/

A teaser for a game that I'm making called "Bionic Bunny" about a bunny that has a jetpack and has to dodge missile carrots, exploding plums etc. I still have A LOT to work on though lmao

Hi everyone. Ever since I started thinking about Discovery Island again, I just realized I hadn't even made any posts for some of the in-game progression I never showed. So since the game was canned, I guess I could show some of these things I did.

Screenshot of my upcoming game: Sense Of Danger!

Edit: Thumbnail change :b