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While @ToadetteGaming92 and others fight Bowser. Gregory comes in for the duel against him!
Bowser: WHA- That’s impossible?
Gregory: Alright King of the Koopas, your time is up! All of you, I’ll deal with him!
Bowser: Grrr…. I’LL DESTROY ALL OF YOU!!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This is my first fan art. I did tried to make a security guard for some educations within shading in shadows. The hardest part about it is the bio. I tried to make it a story-like, but I’m pretty sure that is okey.
We're Remaking The Main Game, But I Have Remaked The Office And All Kinds Of Stuff As Well! Do You Like The Office Redesign? 💗💗💗
Happy New Years everyone! Hopefully we will have a great year. Let the journey of our dreams continue to our victory! 🫡🎉🎊
@GregoryCarrillo encounters Toadlise at his own journey! He thinks that it should be a good idea to take care of her as they first met:
This Picture Was Requested By @FuntoonMikeGaming85 ! 🩷💗💕 ♱リジッ
While @ToadetteGaming92 and the others gather in the castle to save Princess Daisy, @GregoryCarrillo
came in too to backup his friends!
Toadette: Gregory! You want to help us?
Gregory: Sure, seems like you need some firepower to save Daisy. I’ll help ya!