2 years ago

"Whiskers Reborn" will most likely have a mature rating. R? PG18? Something like that.

While i know that the majority of my audience isnt grow up men, i still want to make games that are for mature players. I have been passionate about gory horror games such as POSTAL, SAW and Outlast, Resident Evil too. These games featured very heavy topics that are way too hard to comprehand for young teen people. In advance, i hope that you completely understand my choice, all the events that happen in my games are ONLY games related and should never be replicated in real life or emitated by anyone. Although my team and I are staunchly against violence in the real world, we firmly believe that violence should remain confined to the realm of video games and serve as a form of entertainment. We experimented the gore with Bloody Nights fnaf fan game and people reacted to it positively since that was not over the top exressive and detailed gore. However, it is important to point it out that "Whiskers" game represents a distinct departure from our previous project. The level of blood, drug references, and alcohol references in our game may potentially reach a point that some individuals may find it pretty disturbing. All we want to is to warn you before you could play it because we do not take any responsibility if game may affect you in a negative way somehow, you have been adviced.



Next up

All Ue5 games.


First mocap of the Motel area from upcoming game Mr.Whiskers that well, is remake of the original game WHISKERS made back in 2015. We are finally coming together to start this project properly and launch in Kickstarter soon. It will be a great reimagining

My sticker pack is available NOW!

Finally have map loyout done with basic button and location names. Soon enough gonna work on some other stuff. What do you think it look so far?

The Return to Bloody Nights VR OST- Casual Trumpets Theme (wip)

After FNAF 1 remake sorta game, we are jumping straight forward to whiskers horror game that I promised long ago. I guess this year has to be it and we will make Kickstarter page with all needed material, information and even a small prototype.

waiting for 3

One Night at Freddy Fazbear's - New Camera "Entrance" WIP

Bonnie in the Closet Room attempt 2, still WIP but we are pretty much done wit this place. Next is Kitchen, the last camera to make.