White Plateau
10 years ago

White Plateau is Released!

That’s right! White Plateau is complete! It is probably one of my most advanced creations due in part to the amount of scripts put into this thing, plus the achievements through an API I found for achievements!

The plot/story is in the game’s description.

I hope you enjoy this latest work from AeroSoft!

Thank you!



Next up

Development Update #2

(Mission Zanax and where we're at)

Development Update #1

(Mission Zanax Devlog)

Development Update #3

(Mission Zanax, TL:DR Main Game is Finished, but Work Continues)

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Final Development Update

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Introducing Mission Zanax! Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of Brony Quest with a return to roots in RPG Maker VX Ace!

(Also a message on the future)

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