Whipped And Steamy • Cosplay Café

5 years ago

Who doesn’t like a good crossover? Turns out that, together with the collaboration of the creative minds at Cactus Labs, some exotique characters with lots of personality and inversely proportional amount of clothing would do the trick!

On our last monthly status report, we talked about a small collaboration between Whipped and Steamy • Cosplay Café - our ero-themed visual novel management sim - and Draw the Seedies So I Can Has Feedies - Cactus Labs’ underpaid-commission-artist sim.


As we go into detail about how this match-made-in-a-sexshop came to be, unlike Cosplay Café which has no-explicit imagery but explicit text, this post (and the game) contains visual and explicit Not Safe For Work content from here on out!

You may be wondering, who is Cactus Labs? Not unlike Whales and Games, they’re a team that also develops games of varied styles, themes and with creative minds. We met all-the-way-back during Ludum Dare 41. While we made and developed Wizsnooks, they created Super Slime Slasher Ultra, a match-3 action game with, well, slimes! We liked the energy of each others’ projects, and have been in contact ever since!

While the possibility of collaboration had always been on our minds, we never expected it to take the shape of a morning-cartoon-crossover-like collaboration between two adult-oriented games, namely Whipped And Steamy • Cosplay Café and their own Draw the Seedies So I Can Has Feedies.


Seedies (for short) is a game where you take the role of a digital artist taking e-mail commissions for things to draw as you struggle to pay off your rent for the month. From there, you are taken to an art assembler where you mix-and-match characters, foregrounds and backgrounds, hoping to achieve a result that meets the expectations of the client who ordered it.

Each day, you can pick between a set of different commissions, but you’ll soon come to realize the different nature between them. Will you strive to answer only to the safest-of-work ones, or will you go for the extra-spicy and lewd requests in exchange for some extra cash? After all, there is a rent that needs to be paid off. 💰

Since both Whipped and Steamy and Seedies are receiving updates, the developing teams talked to each other about the possibility of adding cameos from each group into the other’s game. One thing lead to another, and it became a plan for a full blown collaboration!


On the latest Seedies 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 updates, which you can play right now, you’ll find a lot of new content and improvements to the core game experience (including the ability to export your finalized pieces for safe-keeping)! But wait, there’s more! The update is also packed with backgrounds, foregrounds, characters and commissioners you might have met at Whipped and Steamy! And to sweeten the deal even further, we even helped Cactus Labs porting their game for WebGL so you can get right on with it straight in your browser if you prefer it over a download. Neat!​

Will you accept Mop Maid’s outlandish commission requests? What will you pair up with the Bunny Splash Casino background? Will your drawings be Buns Buns approved? Are you ready to feast your eyes on the Cosplay Café characters under much spicier lights? 👀


What are you waiting for? If you’re still here after that last screenshot, it means there’s something in it that interests you! So go on and give the new version of Draw the Seedies So I Can Has Feedies a try! We had a lot of fun bringing everything about it to reality, and we think you’ll have fun assembling the pieces on your own as well! 🐳



Next up

Strawberry Jam results for Cosplay Café (our recently released adult-themed game) are out, and we couldn’t be more amazed and proud at them! We’ve ranked #1 not just in overall, but in the five most important categories of the jam! 🏆🐰

We’ve got a brand new refill ready just for you! We’re rebranding ‘Cosplay Café’ to ‘Whipped and Steamy Cosplay Café’ and have got a new patch of bug-fixes and polish changes ready for you! Here’s the full change log for 1.0B5!

Haven’t heard from us in a while, have you? Well, fear not! While the action at the Whipped and Steamy Café has slightly slowed down ever since our latest post, we've been hard at work on the first expansion to Whipped and Steamy • Cosplay Café!

Happy Holidays and Season's Greetings from Whales And Games! 🎄 Take it chill and enjoy the snow! ☃️

Whalechan got herself a huge snow globe of Stonehedge from Townseek, while Polite Whale went inside it to swim in the snow! Look at them having fun! ❄️

We're excited to have Townseek on this year's line-up for the Indie Arena Booth at gamescom! 🙌 We'll be demoing the game from the 21st to the 25th of August at the world's largest gaming expo!

If you're around, stop by the booth F010G-E019 on Hall 10.2! ✨

Whales And Games and Townseek won the awards for Studio of the Year at Game Dev Lisbon's Spotlight Awards and Best Game from Portugal at DevGAMM Awards! 💡

To commemorate, we've drawn a special artwork and wrote an in-depth article about the event! 👇

Rumors have it that Capt. Jawline has some dangerous hobbies when he's not doing trades. 💼

Made for Mike Klubnika's challenge on Twitter to draw an OC as the Buckshot Roulette dealer! 💥

Here's our Townseek booth at Indie Arena Booth during gamescom! 🧡 It's not the largest, but it has all of the cards, stickers and friends that it neeeds! 🐦

If you're at the event, come visit us at Hall 10.2 and take some stickers of our town hosts! 🦈

Happy Anniversary, Whipped and Steamy! Here's 'Bunny Splash Casino', its spiritual successor adults-only game!

You can start following its new Game Jolt page at, Twitter and Discord as we get started on the project!

To close off the year, a big thank-you from our team to everyone who cheered us on this past year!

We had an amazing GDC, Gamescom, and DevGAMM, earned two awards, and still love our seasonal artworks! Townseek's development continues going strong! 🧭